Heat transfer film encountered fire prone to burning
Products related to heat transfer film belongs to the film, it belongs to the category of functional films, plays a very important role in some Home Furnishing building materials and daily necessities, film products have a common characteristic is relatively easy to damage, and relatively easy to burn, in strong acid and strong alkali environment more prone to quality problems, that it is fully equipped with the relevant characteristics of film products, I hope you understand clearly before it is good for the production and storage to make more scientific initiatives.
1 heat transfer film in production to keep it away from open flame. In fact, the ability of high temperature resistant membrane material is very strong, it needs high temperature in early production to it is very thin, and a gelatinous substance stretched into a long thin film. However, after the formation of the full shape of the threat of fire is very large, as long as it is stained with open flame it will quickly turn black or even burning, so it is the best choice to keep away from open flame.
2 heat transfer film in the storage time and don't pay attention to some strong acid or alkali storage material. Corrosion of strong acid liquid is very strong, if the film had heat transfer film this relatively thin if it completely eroded, even a small drop of liquid will also make it a big hole for its storage is very huge threat. The strong alkaline substances will encounter it will produce a lot of heat, heat transfer film will be eroded, in general, its use is very unfavorable.
3 heat transfer film and the goods stored in common do not spike. Because the film material meet spikes will produce a large hole or was damaged, its quality is relatively weak, encounter this kind of situation is completely no way to repair, imagine if customers need products and we will not be heat transfer film to touch the hard words this volume the film is completely not sold to customers, people for a long time the result of no return is a big loss for the entire enterprise.
Heat transfer film is flammable and easy to damage the goods, we hope to be able to pay attention to the production or storage, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.